Off With My Head {Poem}

Jul 14, 2020

Off with my head

I dump out all the shoulds.

The have to’s are BS

I’m done with the coulds.

Stop driving with logic.

Stop filling my “roles”.

Cause it’s boring and heady

And sucking my soul.

Off with my head

To drop into my heart.

Leading by feel would be

A good place to start.

‘Cause my heart is my compass

But I sure feel lost.

Distracted, deflated,

All hope feeling tossed.

So off with my head.

No more second guessing.

‘Cause inspiration and passion

And ideas are blessings.

So I let my mind ponder

And feel my heart wander...

Then I find realignment

And feel it grow stronger.

Off with my head.

I hand my heart the reigns.

Passion reignited

Coursing through my veins.

I find inspiration

And help it get flowing.

Find my inner compass,

Reconnect with my knowing.

Off with my head

As I stretch out my wings.

I breath into my why

Feel the courage it brings.


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