Mirror {poem}
Sep 08, 2020
All the ”truths” that you believe
Will be reflected back to you,
In every part of life
And in everything you do.
In love, in work, in people;
Life is a giant mirror.
When you start to pay attention
You’ll begin to see it clearer.
Life is happening for you—
What a profound truth to know.
Every single happening
Is a chance for you to grow.
To dismantle perceived limits
That were never there at all.
To unravel old looped stories
That may feel true, but keep you small.
Once you start to ask some questions,
And then question those thoughts more,
You’ll begin to travel deeper;
And then you’ll open up a door.
That’ll shift your whole perspective,
Create change in your reflection;
Because you shifted inside first—
By limiting belief inspection.
What do you see when you look in the mirror? We are so good at judging ourselves, pointing out our faults, and telling ourselves where we aren’t enough. But what if we just stopped? What if we stopped feeding the judgments?
What if we took a deep breath and chose kindness and compassion instead?
What if we changed the narrative? I dare you to try.
Look at yourself in the mirror with kind eyes.
Really see your whole self. Then look deeper than the surface of your external features. See your heart, your courage, your softness. See that twinkle in your eye. Show yourself a smile. Tell yourself "I love you". Thank your body for being a magnificent work of art that carries you through each day. Feel gratitude in your heart for every aspect of you. Thank your scars. Thank each beautiful line on your face. Thank your magnificent mind. Feel into the body you see in the mirror and fill it with breath. Feel the magic of being alive. Thank your scars. Thank each beautiful line on your face. Thank your magnificent mind. Feel into the body you see in the mirror and fill it with breath. Feel the magic of being alive.
Look deeper inside yourself. Look past that initial reflection.
For you are so much more than meets the eye. ❤️
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